Thursday, January 15, 2009


are you kidding me? i got mastitis AGAIN. third time with jack. i would never give up nursing because of it but it's just a big fat pain to get it again. nursing is the one thing in the positive i have to fight the risk of breast cancer statistics in both sides of my family. lilli was already sick from her start to school and then this... jack ended up with lilli's cold, and it's ended up in his chest. poor kids. then as i got a total of 66 minutes of sleep last night due to jack's lack of comfort, lilli comes home from school with a 103+ temperature. it was awful. poor thing. while we all took a late afternoon nap (my first nap in months!), i hope lilli wakes up feeling better. it's just all the joys to parenting. i don't mind being sick but seeing my kids struggle to breath or spike a fever, makes mommy sad. :(

here's to vitamin c and strong immune systems in the making. stay well out there.

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