Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I'M SO LAUGHING AT MY PATHETIC PROOFING SKILLS! I meant CHOKE up a bit from the inauguration. man, what a terrible slip. i may not be an avid fan but joke was not the word i was thinking. sorry mr. president.

1 comment:

  1. This is a awsome blog!! What a deep touch into your lives!! Lilli and school, mastitis ahhhhhhhhh, and Jack the great..SO MUCH TO TALK about!! We are in the last stretch with Mark and school and i have lost my special touch with keeping in touch with all going on!! After Mark is done...I yearn for the ability to have someone wath the kids so I can contact the world... When we doing a family dinner? I love the photos and stories...you are a whip at this Cynthia...all of our love to you guys!!! Tamara, Mark, Miko, and Ian!! xoxoxoxox
