Wednesday, January 14, 2009


lilli has been in school for a week & half now. thank the good Lord we are all surviving too! she actually likes it. the first day was a challenge. she wasn't so keen on getting fully dressed and going there. she mentioned that she was out of her spaghetti and we should go by wal-mart to get some more. i'll address wal-mart fully in another blog. my heart just can't let it go. anyway, we got there. i spent 2 months prepping the school for my "version" of a child. i was SURE she was gonna scream and make me look like a goof of a parent. i walked away and not a tear from either of us. it was a happy moment. so far so good. she's already changing into a mature little girl and becoming her own little person. not to mention, i get some awesome time with jack to enjoy him, take a nap or complete a task or two while she's gone.

i would love to share a school picture but it's been a battle each morning to get ready in a timely manner. i hope they do school pics at some point. i'm sure i'll forget to ask!

and jack. jack did his first full roll over on lilli's 3rd birthday. then on january 10th, he sat up all alone. he was so excited! he just laughed and laughed. i need to figure out how to post some video on here. he's such a giggle bug. he loves loves loves to laugh at lilli. they are doing so much better together. lilli reads to him and wants to be part of everything now. WHAT A SWITCH! it was tough for a bit but now it's pure joy to see them together. it's not always like that but for the most part, progress is moving steady.

pictures soon...

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