Friday, January 30, 2009


amen sistah - it's a "murkle" as a good texan would say! ha ha! lilli is having much success at school. she even got upset with me the other day because we were running late (imagine that!). with her little 1/4 italian hands, she said, "mommy, you better hurry up because i'm going to be late for pre-school." it was the greatest thing i've heard recently. when we drove up to school, she was kicking her feet around excited to get out of the van. who is this child? and where is my daughter? it's been wonderful to see her grow and change so much just since january 6th. from 2 1/2 to 3, i wasn't sure lilli and i could ever be friends again! ha ha! we survived and so far, 3 is so much better than 2. phew! i hope i'm not speaking too soon. time will tell...

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