Friday, January 30, 2009


here's a funny thought about a liberal and a conservative. it's ironic actually. so a conservative is HUGE on pro-life. abortion is disgusting but yet they are warriors. sending a grown man or woman to fight to possibly his/her death is an okay thing to do. then there is the liberal. where abortion is a totally an ok move and sending a grown man or woman to war is completely wrong. i guess it's really all in your heart where you feel death is more validated. even in these great differences of when death is okay, you'd think we'd be able to work together a little more cohesively.

1 comment:

  1. I always had that thought but with the death penalty which is why I believe in a two-party system so no side as its way 100%. I know the middle falls to one side or the other, but they're not that extreme. I can still live with whatever the middle decides.
