Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008

we had a great Christmas with way too many toys and treats! lilli got more stuff for me to clean up and jack got some noisy toys to keep him entertained. dan & i also celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary. we don't too much for "our" part of the day just yet. right now, it's all about the kids.

our adopted "yaya and papa" had us over to spoil our children post-Christmas due to an illness. i don't know what we'd do if we didn't know them. i can't believe i didn't get a picture of that day. doh!

i've made a note to self: buying too many things only means more for mommy maid service. i'd like to personally shoot my purchasing hand for all the stupid things i've bought for lilli already. i now have to spend my time purging crap to sell and/or give away (all while she's not looking). that's a miracle close to baby Jesus! ha ha!

i always wish my mom & dad were around to celebrate their grandchildren. each year it gets a bit easier but my loss of both of them will hurt me always. it makes me sad for our kids that they are missing that beautiful love from grandparents. i only knew one grandmother on my mom's side. she died when i was 15 and lived in staten island. i didn't get to know her very well. her heavy italian accent used to be awesome to listen to even when i was so little. i love that part of my heritage. i am proud to say that my italian grandparents treked across the waters to make a better life in the United States in the big rush of europeans in the early 1900's. i've even had relatives tell me my grandmother's name is etched in the stone at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island. how cool is that?

i can't seem to find the pictures from Christmas morning. i'm trying to organize my photos and in doing so, i can't find them anymore. ha ha!

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