Thursday, December 18, 2008

lilli's 3rd birthday

this is a great way to start the blog ~ celebrating lilli's 3rd birthday on december 14th, sunday. i managed to pick another hot sunday in december. not hard in texas since the weather is absolutely unpredictible. on december 10th it actually snowed here. crazy. we rented a moon bounce and had 13 kids here. *sigh* we managed to keep them outside for the most part but man, it was so windy. lilli was blessed with wonderful presents and great friends. texas is full of warm and great people. :-) oh, we also went crazy and got a tinkerbell pinata. thanks to tamara r. we got a quick lesson in this department. we got the kind that you merely pull the strings. we still let the kids take a healthy swing at it though. i think it was a bigger hit than the bounce house!

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