Friday, February 13, 2009

and the winning goody bag is...

i figured out yesterday that there is no longer a simple exchange of a simple boxed valentine's day card among children. lilli's little class did a party like everyone else in the world. not only did i totally blank on giving her a valentine's for each teacher, man, do i look like the chintzy unprepared mom. she got goody bags with candy, pencils, stickers and one little girl even made her heart shaped hand-painted magnet with her name on it - even spelled lilli right! note to self: STEP IT UP MAMA! candy is a competitive sport these days.

1 comment:

  1. Don't give in! It only gets worse if you start now when she hits grade school. Even with the teacher sending out a notice that no bought valentines or candy should be sent into the class, still 5 of Samantha's classmates did bring it in. It gave us a great opp. to talk about following directions and other ways to make our friends feel special.
    You get sucked in now, and it will only get worse! :)
