Tuesday, March 3, 2009

just relax

type a. oh the curse. even a "relaxed" day for me must have in it some sort of accomplishments that i can visibly see. i often wonder about the days of june cleaver. seriously? the days of all our media and electronics has just about sent me to an early grave. my life was most peaceful when hurricane ike left me to my own devices to entertain my kids and do things around the house. back in the cleaver days, houses weren't ginormous, you called when you wanted to catch up or visited with your friends, kids played outside ... it just seems like the crunch was different. june had to press all her clothes to wear daily and look polished. thank GOD that's not the norm now. ward would be highly upset with me.

i'm just hoping that i can find the time to just relax. maybe enjoy the beautiful house i live in. sit and not worry about the toys or the messes. one day it will get cleaned. one day.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I love your background - so springy! I only tidy once a day after Little Miss has gone to bed. It's hopeless to keep up. I clean quickly after she sleeps little by little so the entire house is never clean all at once, but there are moments when an entire room is clean. You'll find a balance one day. You know, when they're out of the house... :)
